One Instant Personalized Video (InPeV©) Platform for Various Solutions

iRewind’s very own SaaS-based platform for Instant Personalized Videos (InPeV©) allows videos to be captured, personalized, produced and distributed to target audiences in real-time – regardless of the audience size. All our solutions run on this platform. It is embedded both in Self-Service applications as well as in different Standardized Solutions and is used in the sports industry. The platform is a result of several years of testing and fine-tuning by our engineers as well as hundreds of real-world cases where millions of personalized videos have been produced.

Platform Components

Video Composing

No video is the same, every project is different. That’s why our platform allows every user to design their video based on their own direction and guidelines using state-of-the art video design features and tools.


The platform identifies individuals using computer vision, RFID technology or any structured data from 3rd party systems delivering a reliable and automated service.

High Performance Video Processing

High-speed video processing and delivery infrastructure elastically scales between ten and ten thousands of servers simultaneously using intelligent load balancing and machine learning technology. This enables indefinite scalability and production volumes via the platform.

Scalable Rendering

iRewind technology renders anything from 1 to 1 million videos. But it cannot only process and personalize large data but also deliver at record speed.

Real Time Dashboard

We know that understanding performance metrics is important. That’s why we offer real-time analytics dashboards – tailored to our customers’ needs.

Companies Using iRewind