iRewind extends sharing options with Telegram and Viber Messenger services
One of the most important goals of all personalized video campaigns is to get the highest possible reach. We pursue this through direct video views and by offering different sharing methodologies to our users. Earlier this month, we added Telegram and Viber to our social media portfolio, giving our customers more sharing options than ever.
So what sharing options does iRewind offer today?
Messenger Services
The messenger service WhatsApp is currently showing the strongest growth in user sharing behavior. In addition, since the beginning of August, we are also offering our customers the two messenger services Telegram (200M users) and Viber (900M users in 193 countries). This is iRewind’s response to the different user behaviors in the countries in which we operate.

We are often asked whether anyone actually downloads their videos. The answer is simple: of course they do! A lot of recipients download their personal video as a souvenir so they can show it to their friends and family members. The download is also the first step towards a native upload on Instagram and/or any other social media platform. More on this below.
Social Media
Facebook and Twitter are the evergreens. Even though they have given in a little compared to the other sharing options, they still boast a very strong sharing percentage. However, we notice that an increasing number of users are sharing their personal videos natively on these platforms, especially since the emergence of Instagram, currently the strongest performing social media channel. In fact, in the case of Instagram, a native upload is the only way of sharing personalized video content at the moment.
Email & Link sharing
Sometimes sharing good news (or good video content) is just one email away. We want to make it easy for our users to make their videos accessible to their friends and families. This is why we also offer an email or link copy option. Clicking on the respective icon opens an email or makes it easy to copy-paste the link that will take recipients straight to the respective video, giving them an opportunity to share the video and help further increase the reach.
Contact us to learn more about our new sharing options.