Video Communication in Times of Corona – How to Communicate Fast, Easy and in High Quality
About two years ago we decided to expand our Solutions Portfolio in the field of Corporate Communications. Today, our solution for fully-automated and personalized video production provides a valuable tool in these strange times to create authentic, prompt and straightforward stakeholder communication and can be put to use immediately.
The Solution
Our communications solution gives users an opportunity to produce fully-automated videos in alignment with the corporate design policies, regardless of where the user is. It is targeted at institutions which may currently be organized decentrally but still want to have a coherent communication policy, regardless of the preferred communication channel and whether it’s an SME or a conglomerate.
Keeping it simple
A need for tech-savviness, time-consuming and costly – that’s what a lot of people associate with video production, especially in times of crisis when communication becomes a frequent task. We have tried to tackle these perceptions pro-actively by delivering a tool that can be used by anyone, is ready-to-go in record time and boasts an attractive cost structure.
The Set-up
What’s required for iRewind’s communication solution on the customer side:
- A smartphone or a web cam
- A logo, as well as a jingle or a video policy (if available)
- Internet
- A distribution channel for the video (e.g. youtube or a company’s webTV)
What we will deliver:
- Everything else
The result you get:
- A video tool that allows you to capture messages via smartphone or web cam. These messages can vary in length and can be distributed where and to whoever you want.
- Setting up everything takes less than 2 hours. Once it’s done, you can start producing your video message using below four simple steps – wherever you are.

An Example
For Swiss magazine “die Weltwoche”, one of Switzerland’s best known weekly outlets, we set up our communications solution in a way that allows selected journalists to capture messages on their smartphones and upload them as ready-to-play videos on the magazine’s youtube channel. Ready-to-play means that they feature the name of the journalist as well as the magazine’s jingle (an intro and outro message – see below). Thanks to this set-up there’s a degree of unity as well as guaranteed level of quality.

Who can use this technology?
We are thinking of these target groups for our communications solution:
- Executives or team leads who want/need to communicate with their employees and team members.
- CEOs with a need to inform their clients, suppliers or other stakeholders.
- Journalists who want to complement their written articles with a video post.
- Politicians who want to address their voters in an uncomplicated yet professional way.
- Sports teams or federations who would like to communicate with their fans without needing an entire production team.
- Doctors and experts who need to communicate important medical information and advice to the public.
The costs
We at iRewind would like to contribute to the resolution of the current crisis. The importance of communication has been repeatedly mentioned and addressed recently. To be able to communicate fast, efficiently and targeted is of integral importance and can even save lives.
This is reflected in the pricing model of our solution. We want to make this accessible to everyone who is in need of a simple yet effective communication tool. Depending on what is required we’re able to make a tailored offer within 24 hours.
Call us or send an email to so we can help you take the first steps. Or visit to find out more about this and our other solutions.