Announcing Our Shiny, New Zurich Office!

Just like the Jeffersons, we’re moving on up to the East Side… of Zurich! After nearly three years in the beating heart of the city, our amazing team has grown so much that we had to find a bigger space to operate in. It’s been only two weeks since we moved into our new office in Seefeld and we are already feeling right at home on Zurich’s Gold Coast.

Settling In

There are lots of reasons to be excited about the new office. For one, we were able to design the 180 meter space to our specifications. Where should we install walls; where should we tear them down? Should we have parquet or carpet on the floors? Both? Well, what color? Where should we put the coffee machine? We wanted to ensure our team felt the space belonged to them, so we covered all these topics during some lively voting sessions.

Forward Thinking

A lot of planning, organizing, and—we’re not embarrassed to say—sweat went into the move. And no one is more aware of this fact than our heroic office manager, Jeannine Good. She went above and beyond to ensure that our staff was informed every step of the way and that there were as few interruptions to business as possible. “It feels great to finally be in our new space after months of preparation. Since we’ve grown so much in the last year, we decided on a place that doesn’t just fit our current team but has plenty of space for future growth.”

Want to have a look? You can find us at our new address, Wiesenstrasse 10 8008 Zurich.

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Also published on Medium.

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